Friday, September 2, 2011

My God is bigger than the Boogie Man

For you Veggie Tale watchers, that song is probably my favorite of all the songs that I have heard.  If you have never heard of Veggie Tales - I feel you have missed out on some of the best vegetable cartoons of all time.

It has been a while since I have written down my thoughts for everyone to read (Sorry Mom).  As you may know, I left my last ministry position at the beginning of February.  In the time since that move things have drastically changed in my life.  Janel has lost over 100 pounds, I have lost nearly 60 pounds, both the girls have turned a year older, I am now in the middle of training for a half-marathon (then a marathon next year, then an Iron-man.....I know its crazy).  The time since February has been some of the most difficult times that I have gone through.  I was at the point of leaving ministry for good, questioning whether or not God was still going to use me in ministry.  But at the same time that I was questioning my call to ministry, God was in the works in an amazing ways.  Unlike most employment opportunities, searching for a ministry position is does not depend on the school graduated from, how successful you were in your previous position, or even your accomplishments.  Ministry is all (or should all be) about God drawing together a church and a minister.  During the time since I left the last position in February, I have been looking for a new place to serve.  The process has been difficult and frustrating at best.  I went on several interviews at several churches, but something would always happen were the position would no longer be available - but none of the positions were filled.  After every interview, I would get an email or phone call saying that the committee was having trouble making a decision and would need more time, or was not ready to hire someone at this point.

Looking back over the all the opportunities, I can see that they are not at all what God had in mind for me.  Fortunately, God did have a plan for me.  In April, I was contacted by a woman from a Presbyterian church in Hammond.  They needed someone to teach the youth on Sunday Nights for youth group.  Since I had no better plans in life, I agreed to go teach on an as-needed basis.

Little did I know what I would be stepping into.  The group of students, parents, and volunteers were amazing!  The first week I was there, I believe there were as many parents as there were youth.  I have been back nearly every week since April, and things have not changed.

I am proud to say that this Sunday will be my first official week as the Christian Education Director, and I couldn't be happier.  The church family is excited to support the youth and the children's programs, the youth are craving the word of God and to learn about the God.  This is looking like one of the best places I could possibly be.

Here is the lesson for you - God is bigger than all those boogie men in your life.  No matter the situation, God is not surprised about it, he has control of it, and he can get you through it - if you let him have control.

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