Saturday, July 16, 2011

Apple bottom Jeans, boots with the fur!

Before you ask, I do not own either of these.  I just could not think of a catchy line to title the blog.  I don't really have a life lesson for this entry but I did reach a milestone in my weight loss journey.  Thus far, I have lost over 45 pounds and have begun training for the Louisiana half marathon, with the goal of doing a full marathon next year with my friend Dustin.  Let me tell you about the milestone.

As is the case with most people that have gained weight, I have that one pair of jeans that was kept and hid at the bottom of the dresser drawer.  You know what I am talking about, its that pair of jeans, dress shirt, or suit that was purchased before the weight gain, squeezed into until the buttons would no longer come together, and then was stowed away in the dresser to serve as a constant reminder of what once was, and to drive their victim (i.e. Me) to a binge of depression eating to comfort the feelings of sorrow which ultimately drove the waistline further from  fitting back into the jeans.

Last night I was looking for a pair of jeans to wear to a VBS parents night, when I came across a pair of Aeropostale blue jeans that I purchased 4 years ago.  If you have ever walked into an Aero store, the sizes only go up to a guys 36 inch waist, which in the real world is actually about a 34 inch at best.  When I bought the jean I could barely fit into the jeans, or breath once I was in them.  Needless to say, I wasn't wearing them for long before they found the bottom of the dresser.

As I was looking, I thought I would try them out.  I really was looking for motivation to workout harder and stick to the diet even better.  I was extremely surprised as they slid over my waist comfortably and then buttoned WITHOUT any sucking, grunting, or cursing!  I could actually fit a couple of fingers between the jeans and my waist - which means I am can now go shopping at Aeropostale, and that I a weigh less then when I bought them.  Here are some pictures to show what  I am talking about.

There is one amazing thing in these pictures.......The soap that my wife keeps in the bathroom is awesome.  Okay, just kidding! Before you get jealous, that guy in the pictures belongs to Janel.  The jeans cost $34.50 at Aeropostale this week.

Until next time.

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