Friday, April 22, 2011

Negative is never positive......

 I know, I know.  The three people that read my blog have been asking when I will be posting another one.  Its been almost 2 weeks since the last post.  If you knew how many times I started a new post but fell asleep at my computer and woke up with 50 lines of a single letter, hopefully, you would laugh - but I will make it through this one.

A lot has gone on in the past two weeks.  I have recovered from that spinning class, and I have gotten over the pride issue - I don't mind the grandmother of the class knowing that I am a sissy.  Unfortunately, a few days after the spinning class, I had my initial assessment at the gym (you know the part where they put you through an impossible workout, and then try to sell the personal trainers to you).  The guy who put me through my paces is the classic "gym rat, meat head" guy - and has the personality to go with it.  He KILLED me!  I know Janel was getting annoyed with me, but I was having trouble keeping my balance while walking and standing.  I believe at one point I had to get someone grab a gallon of milk out of a fridge at work because I couldn't bend down.  I have recovered from that experience and am happy to report that I have lost 10 pounds since joining the gym.

I have decided to take on a leadership role in my district - I volunteered to be the lead for the summer promotion.  I am not sure if that is a really good choice or a really stupid choice - I will let you know in 10 weeks.  If you want to help me be successful and live in the Northshore area, go to your local Starbucks and buy a pound of 3 regions blend coffee (its delicious and it has coffees grown in all 3 growing regions), buy some of the petite cake pops, and also coming back after several years is the mocha coconut latte and frappuccino.  I know, thats a shameless self-promotion - but if Morgan Spurlock can get away with it, so can I.

Now to try to explain the title to this post.  As most of you know, I am not a negative person.  I don't like to be negative and I do not like to be around people that are - I think that is true for most people.  But some people in life feel that is it their job to be nothing but negative.  I am sure that you have encountered these type people at work, bosses, big wigs, or co-workers that wouldn't know how to give a compliment if their lives depended on it.  Thursday I encountered one of these people and after my time with them, I felt like I was one of the unfortunate people on the MTV show "Bully Beat Down" - if you do not know about this show, look it up, it will make you feel better.  When this lady walked in to my store, she was a sweet as could be but that quickly changed.  I swear at some point her body was taken over by the devil.  She did not have one positive thing to say.

I have been in management long enough to know that some times a little negative is needed to push someone toward the desired end.  But at some point, that negative needs to be balanced with a positive.  This goes for work and personal life.  If all you ever hear at home or at work is negative, if all you get is someone to tell you that you are not good enough, it doesn't take long for that to affect your outlook on things.  I have also found that finding something positive, even in the person with the worse performance goes a long way towards improving their work ethic.

I am not saying its easy, but everyone needs that positive re-enforcement in life.  I am writing this part mainly to myself.  Too often I hear my self saying "no" or "don't do that" or "stop it" to my kids, not often enough do I say "good job" or tell them how special they are.  I don't want my children growing up thinking that they are not good enough.  They have been wonderfully made by a God who knows them personally, and they could never be NOT good enough.  They may not listen perfectly, or do what they are told right away, but if they are what God had in mind, who am I to think my standards are better.

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